Breaking news

Mar 2020

Latest cancellations, postponed events

2020-03-13T10:42:54-07:00March 12th, 2020|Breaking news, Coronavirus, Homepage lead story|

Last updated 3/13/20 at 10:42 a.m. Please check back frequently as we are updating this document as we learn of more cancellations or events that will be postponed. Other event cancellations 3/14 SAT testing @ Fort Vancouver HS 3/19 Foundation for Vancouver Public Schools Luncheon 3/26- 31, Heritage Festival in Anaheim, California (SHS Choir, Orchestra) [...]

Sep 2017

Update for Wednesday, Sept. 6

2017-09-06T12:12:18-07:00September 5th, 2017|Breaking news, Weather updates|

This update posted Sept. 6 at 11:33 a.m. The Vancouver area remains under an unhealthy air warning Wednesday. Students will remain indoors for recess and physical education until further notice. After-school activities and practices will be moved indoors or canceled. Outdoor athletic games scheduled for Wednesday will be postponed. District administrators will continue to monitor [...]

Sep 2017

Air quality update

2017-09-05T15:44:28-07:00September 5th, 2017|Breaking news, Weather updates|

Due to poor air quality from regional forest fires, all schools are holding recess and physical education classes indoors today, Tuesday, Sept. 5. Currently, the National Weather Service is reporting an air quality warning in effect until 10 p.m. tonight. After-school athletic practices will take place indoors or be canceled. Tonight’s Columbia River and [...]

Sep 2017

Heat advisory for Tuesday, Sept. 5

2017-09-05T12:30:20-07:00September 3rd, 2017|Breaking news, Weather updates|

Posted Sunday, Sept. 3 A heat advisory issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is expected to continue through Tuesday evening, Sept. 5. Administrators at Vancouver Public Schools are monitoring the situation, which is currently classified as a “red flag warning” due to hot temperatures and dry conditions. Smoke from regional forest fires [...]

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