Principal: Curt Scheidel
Associate principal:
Kathleen Paradis
Main: 360-313-4990
Attendance: 360-313-4882


Heights Campus is a School of Choice and a unique collection of programs designed to meet various student and family needs. Learn more about our programs to find the one that is best for you.

Virtual Learning Academy (VLA)

Grades K-12

Vancouver Home Connection (VHC)

Grades K-8

Open Doors

Ages 16–21

Home School Support (HSS)

Grades K-8

Latest news

Kindergarten registration is open

If your child is turning 5 by August 31st, enroll them in kindergarten today! There are many options available, including your neighborhood school, dual-language, and choice programs.

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Revitalizing Vancouver


We have reimagined the future of our school!

Find out what is planned.