Heights Campus Picture day October 4th & 5th
Pre-order online today!
Pre-order online today!
K-5 VLA https://www.smore.com/914qh 6-12 VLA https://www.smore.com/djn6c
Heights Campus Calendar 2023-2024
Heights Families, We are planning for next school year. We need to know who is returning and what classes students want. Below you will find a link to the Curriculum Guide that includes course descriptions, You will also find a link to the forecasting forms that you will use to choose classes. A form will [...]
VHC Welcome letter VLA Welcome Letter OD Welcome Letter
Dear Lieser students and families (K-6 grade) Please view the principal message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlOYNYuN7cE Attached is our Fall 2020 back to school letter. Please read through the information. You should also receive a welcome message from your advising teacher by September 1. Normally we would greet all of our families at our beginning of the year [...]
Dear Lieser Families, Today Superintendent Webb released a statement on racial inequity and injustice for Vancouver Public Schools. We at Lieser, want to add our voice in condemning all acts of racism, prejudice and violence. We are saddened and angered by the systemic racism that result in mass incarceration, poverty, and the senseless deaths of [...]
K-6: Lieser families and students. Continued learning starts remotely today, April 6. You will receive an email message from your teacher(s) today containing details, including learning objectives, activities for the week, and how weekly contact with students will be achieved. If you should need tech support, please send an e-mail to student.support@vansd.org. There will be a district [...]