Lieser families and students. Continued learning starts remotely today, April 6. You will receive an email message from your teacher(s) today containing details, including learning objectives, activities for the week, and how weekly contact with students will be achieved. If you should need tech support, please send an e-mail to student.support@vansd.org. There will be a district distribution of iPads for grades K-2 in the upcoming weeks. More information to come.
Even though we are providing remote education, we are still required to maintain weekly contact with families. Weekly contact must include a two-way exchange of information between the certificated teacher and the student. It must be for the purpose of instruction, review of assignments, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities. Normally, this would be addressed through students attending classes for in-personal instructional contact. During this period of remote education, teachers will design synchronous digital instructional contact opportunities. using interactive on-line, voice, or video technology. Participation in these opportunities will be documented as weekly contact.
We also must continue to evaluate and communicate monthly progress for each students.
While we already have many systems in place to support remote learning for Home Connection students, there will still be some bumps along the way. We appreciate your patience and timely communication so we can address concerns along the way.
Lieser families and students. Continued learning starts remotely today, April 6. You will receive an email message from your teacher(s) today containing details, including learning objectives, activities for the week, and how weekly contact with students will be achieved. If you should need tech support, please send an e-mail to student.support@vansd.org.
An e-mail went out to middle school parents and students on Friday, April 3, containing instructions for remote continued learning for middle school students. Middle school teachers have created a HUB for students and families with all needed information. https://sites.google.com/vansd.net/liesermiddleschool/home
Even though we are providing remote education, we are still required to maintain weekly contact with students. Weekly contact must include a two-way exchange of information between the certificated teacher and the student. It must be for the purpose of instruction, review of assignments, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities. Normally, this would be addressed through students attending classes for in-personal instructional contact. During this period of remote education, teachers will design synchronous digital instructional contact opportunities. using interactive on-line, voice, or video technology. Participation in these opportunities will be documented as weekly contact.
We also must continue to evaluate and communicate monthly progress for each students.
While we already have many systems in place to support remote learning for Home Connection students, there will still be some bumps along the way. We appreciate your patience and timely communication so we can address concerns along the way.
Lieser families and students. Continued learning starts remotely today, April 6. You will receive an email message from your teacher(s) today containing details, including learning objectives, activities for the week, and how weekly contact with students will be achieved. If you should need tech support, please send an e-mail to student.support@vansd.org.
Even though we are providing remote education, we are still required to maintain weekly contact with students. Weekly contact must include a two-way exchange of information between the certificated teacher and the student. It must be for the purpose of instruction, review of assignments, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities. Normally, this would be addressed through students attending classes for in-personal instructional contact. During this period of remote education, teachers will design synchronous digital instructional contact opportunities. using interactive on-line, voice, or video technology. Participation in these opportunities will be documented as weekly contact.
We also must continue to evaluate and communicate monthly progress for each students. Of course, for high school students, progress in courses leads to passing classes and earning high school credits to meet graduation requirements. All high school courses are required for graduation. Freshman need to earn 6 credits by the end of the school year to be on track for graduation. Sophomores need to have 12 credits completed by the end of the school year.
While we already have many systems in place to support remote learning for Home Connection students, there will still be some bumps along the way. We appreciate your patience and timely communication so we can address concerns along the way.
VLA Main Campus and Branch
Lieser families and students. Continued learning starts remotely today, April 6. You will receive an email message from your teacher(s) today containing details, including learning objectives, activities for the week, and how weekly contact with students will be achieved. If you should need tech support, please send an e-mail to student.support@vansd.org.
Even though we are providing remote education, we are still required to maintain weekly contact with students. Weekly contact must include a two-way exchange of information between the certificated teacher and the student. It must be for the purpose of instruction, review of assignments, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities. Normally, this would be addressed through students attending labs for in-person contact. During this period of remote education, teachers will design synchronous digital instructional contact opportunities. using interactive on-line, voice, or video technology. Participation in these opportunities will be documented as weekly contact.
We also must continue to evaluate and communicate monthly progress for each students. Of course, for high school students, progress in courses leads to passing classes and earning high school credits to meet graduation requirements.
While we already have many systems in place to support remote learning for Home Connection students, there will still be some bumps along the way. We appreciate your patience and timely communication so we can address concerns along the way.
Open Door
Open Doors students. Continued learning starts remotely today, April 6. You will receive an email message from your advising teacher today containing details, including goals for the week and how contact with students will be achieved. If you should need tech support, please send an e-mail to student.support@vansd.org.
Even though we are providing remote education students are still required to have 2 hours of contact time with teachers. This was accomplished through weekly lab times. Teachers will provide alternative methods for contact including synchronous digital instructional contact opportunities. using interactive on-line, voice, or video technology.
We also must continue to evaluate and communicate attainment of Indicators of Academic Progress for each students. Of course, for high school students, progress in courses leads to passing classes and earning high school credits to meet graduation requirements.
While we already have many systems in place to support remote learning for Home Connection students, there will still be some bumps along the way. We appreciate your patience and timely communication so we can address concerns along the way.